Understanding the site conditions is the first step in access specification. Emtek walks almost every site that we provide a scope and access plan (SAP) for. Walking a site on foot allows for project managers to understand the subgrade conditions, observations of any potential hazards as well as potential sensitive resources.
Site Walk
- Deflection under foot
- Inundation
- Elevation
- Underground and overhead hazards
- Crossings

Sensitive Resources
- Protected wildlife and vegetation
- Protected wetland boundaries
- Sensitive resources e.g. underground pipeline

Inundation Report*
- Third-party, professional engineering
- 2-year flood elevation

Flow Studies*
- University research center
- Current speed, direction and time series for flow

Hydraulic Loading*
- Third-party, professional engineering
- Analysis for floating road systems

* Emtek utilizes many third-party experts during the specification process. Not all reports and studies are included in every plan. These expert reports and analyses depend on the site and risks involved e.g. floating access vs. timber haul road